Our helpdesk portal is set up to manage support conversations with partners and customers.
The team at Imetrum strive to continuously improve the way we interact with our customers and partners.
Imetrum’s dedicated support portal is available at: support.imetrum.com where you can create and review technical support tickets as well as access a wide range of technical and commercial literature.
Our fantastic customer support team are helpful and very approachable, no problem is too big or too small. They will ensure you receive the support you need quickly and efficiently.
Imetrum’s helpdesk portal manages support conversations with partners and customers. The resources section is also available for a wider audience. Interact from the support button on our website or directly though the portal address.
One-stop portal enables customers and partners:
- Access to technical support by submitting a ticket
- Visibility of support tickets (through login)
- Ability to resources; and additional customer/partner specific information (through login)
Wider audience can:
- Access product collaterals and data sheets
- View terms and conditions and relevant policies