Case Study

Driving F1 Aerodynamic Performance

Formula One

The Challenge

Aerodynamicists and engineers constantly innovate to enhance aerodynamic performance and minimise the impact of ever-changing rules governing development within Motorsport. With wind tunnel time now limited based on prior season performance, it is imperative that engineers maximise their run time efficiency and data collection.

The Solution

For aerodynamicists, understanding the behaviour of a car’s aero surfaces is critical, such as the deflection of a wing, how one aerodynamic device affects another or how elements move relative to the whole car. The knowledge gained from the wind tunnel validates Finite Element Analysis models and Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations. Digital model to wind tunnel correlation is critical to extracting performance from CFD techniques.

Over several seasons, the use of Imetrum measurement solutions has become widely adopted within Formula One. This widespread adoption of Imetrum technology is the result of the aerodynamic performance advantages gained by each team.

The Results

Target identification techniques, unique to Mobius, reduce setup time to minutes whilst removing disruptions to the airflow. The computational architecture and wide range of embedded tools deliver live, information rich data. Communications protocols facilitate data transmission and measurement system control direct from the wind tunnel’s own operating system.

Post Processing features allow test reconstruction and measurement modification at any time following the live test.




Rugged design for use in industrial environments


Pre-calibrated optics and ready out of the box


Tolerant of variable lighting conditions

Developing solutions for measurement challenges

For more information on Mobius and its capabilities, see the product page below.